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Free Access) Theological Commons Writer : 도서관 Date: 2013-02-19 Hit: 8496 Theological CommonsThe Theological Commons is a digital library of 76,716 books and journals on theology and religion, including 26,782 volumes from the Princeton Theological Seminary Library. Princeton Theological Seminary is developing the Theological Commons in partnership with the Internet Archive, a nonprofit organization dedicated to building and maintaining a free and openly accessible online digital library. Princeton Theological Seminary shares in the vision and mission of building a digital library freely accessible to scholars, pastors, and other readers around the globe.
제공처: Princeton Theological Seminary주제분야: 주로 개신교, 역사, 가톨릭 교회, 교회사, 신학과 철학 에 관련된 디지털 도서관의 오픈엑세스 자료링크 주소) http://commons.ptsem.edu