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Library- PhD Locker Application / PhD 사물함 신청안내 Writer : 도서관 Date: 2018-02-02 Hit: 2963 File : Spring2018_LockerApplication.docx Spring 2018 Apply for PhD Locker in Library PhD room
2018년도 1학기 도서관 PhD 열람실 사물함 신청 안내
1. 신청기간: 2018. 2. 12 -23 오후 4시까지
Period of locker application: Feb 12-23, until 4:00PM
2. 사용기간: 2018. 2. 26 -8. 17
Period of using locker: Feb 26 - Aug 17
3. 신청대상: 본교 PhD 학생
Applicant: Students in PhD
4. 제출서류: 신청서 1부 (첨부파일 다운로드)
Document that you need : Application Form (attached file download)
5. 제출방법 (How to Apply)
- 신청서를 작성하여 대출대에 직접 제출하거나 이메일로 제출할 것.
Submit locker application to circulation desk in hand, or send it by e-mail . (wh.lee@ttgu.ac.kr)
- 단, 논문작성중인 학생의 경우, 교학처 담당자의 확인을 받아서 제출하여야 함.
In case of dissertation-writing student, submit application with the staff’s approval in Academic Office.